Saturday, April 19, 2008

Flash Games or PHP Games?

Both types of games have their advantages. The flash games can be more fast paced and action filled while the php games tend to be text based and more in depth.

For puzzle games i prefer the flash variant since you get more of a gaming experience. The php games are more suited to mystery games and such.

But thats just generealzation and my humble opinions. Aocourese there are shining wxamples of stunnignly actionfilled php games and in depth flash games.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Fake Puzzle Games

I just recently discovered a new genre of puzzles. They are basically flash games that are advertised as puzzle games and then when you play it’s all about luck. For example finding the monkey/dollar/rabbit under/in the hat/can/hole. Puzzle games should be about puzzling things out, not guessing.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gaming Madness

I played a great game a few days back. There was 100ish levels and you needed to figure out the way to get to the next. I've played similar games before but not as funny as this one.

I Then I thought "I must link this from my blog" but then i realized i've forgotten the adress. I guesscould have used, but mine is so full i can't cram another link in there. Maybe a just for games would be useful?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

On a 5 year mission...

I'm on a mission. I will explore and investigate the puzzle and mystery games that litters the Internet. I will hunt down copycats and expose frauds. I will solve and riddle and puzzle until my eyes bleed. Every murderer in all the detective games will tremble. The journey starts now!